Links will be added to this page from time to time.  We will try to ensure that they are all of legitimate interest to environmentalists and the concerned public.

If you would like to list or recommend a link, please email us. email

Environmental Links
Jane Goodall Institute   Jane is one of the most active, environmentally and socially conscious individuals on the planet.  For more on her go to the visionaries page.    visionaries

PEER   Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility.  This organization advocates for whistle blowers who risk–and often lose–their jobs by speaking out about political malfeasance.  PEER helps to publicize these cases and, when possible, compel the agencies to take them back.

Seashepherd Conservation Society   An activist organization which proactively interferes with illegal whaling and seal hunting, often on the high seas.  They interdict poachers and stop their illegal activities.  

Defenders of Wildlife  Act to protect endangered species and habitat.  Address global warming and bring law suits against offenders.

Greg Palast  Greg is an investigative journalist without peer.  He is gutsy and thorough and digs up things we should all know, but are often denied knowledge of by those who wish to keep us in the dark.  Greg has been a guest on Environmentally Sound several times and will always be welcome on this program.

IUCN  International Union for Conservation of Nature - based in Gland, Switzerland.   Interview with IUCN staff member

Sea Education Association:

Alaska Wildlife Alliance    The Alaska Wildlife Alliance was founded by Alaskans in 1978 and is the only Alaska-based group solely dedicated to the protection of the state’s magnificent wildlife. The Alliance is a strong voice for promoting an ecosystem approach to wildlife management that represents the non-consumptive values of wildlife.     www.akwildlife.org