The Symphony of Westchester
November 9, 2013
This is one of New Rochelle’s gems.
Barry Charles Hoffman does a great job always, but last Saturday night he outdid himself with an all Beethoven program. The two pieces were Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major and the 5th Symphony.
Israeli Soloist Alon Goldstein was superb on the piano. And while the individual performances of the entire orchestra were excellent, it was the direction of Mr. Hoffman which provided the frame around Mr. Goldstein’s solo. It was subtle and unobtrusive. Always highlighting, never intruding. Mr. Goldstein held some very long trills which, I imagine is akin to a singer holding a note for a very long time. I repeat: his performance was superb.
And then came the 5th, the best known of all symphonies ever written, and one of the most sublime pieces in the music literature in the history of the world.
And again Barry Charles Hoffman was up to the task, taking his musicians through this grand opus with great expression, never wavering, always confident, bringing one of Beethoven’s finest masterfully to life.
Alas these concerts of the Symphony of Westchester are just performed once so if you missed this one it is gone. But do get in the habit of patronizing this fine local orchestra. Performances are held at Iona College right up the road, tickets are well worth the price.
Just Google the Symphony of Westchester and prepare for a fine cultural treat.